We are committed to help your child achieve their full academic potential. Stanford Academy provides a responsive, devoted, and stimulating learning atmosphere for your child.
Your child will develop excellent study habits and learning attitudes while expanding their knowledge with our standardized curriculum.
We offer small class sizes and experienced and certified teachers.
*Provide our students with the comfort and confidence that comes with mastery of the English language.
*Brighter Future Writing Club: Our program helped many students preform well in their English classes at school.
英文寫作班由多位Stanford大學專家及私立Challenger學校美籍老師擔綱,12年來已在北加州得到家長們的一致肯定。針對雙語家庭孩子在寫作技巧,文法以及字句運用上的不足,制定出完整的教學方案,循序漸進,多元化地幫助孩子提高水平。我們的寫作成績優異,在Troy High入學考試全額錄取。
特聘學區內經驗豐富教師授課, 協助家長檢查並輔導孩子作業
2019 年 Lego Robotics大賽第一名, 讓學生在動手做機器人中, 學習物理學, 程式設計, 邏輯原理以及基礎的人工智慧, 為適應未來的科技打下良好基礎.
所有課程皆採用 Common Core 標準課程, 提供 Chrome Book/Laptop 電腦輔助教學
加強英數基礎, 培養全方位興趣, 學習日常生活的技能. 寓教於樂讓孩子度過充實快樂的暑假時光.
Newest Class Information and Activities Update - 最新的課程訊息, 豐富的活動資訊
20282 Carrey Rd, Walnut, CA 91789